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About Us

The Badger Parade society exists to enhance the welfare, conservation and protection of badgers, their setts, and their habitats on campus.

The Badger Parade society exists to enhance the welfare, conservation and protection of badgers, their setts, and their habitats on campus.


Big header


Badger Keeper

  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

Badger Wrangler

  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

Chief Badger Wrangler

Kit Assistant

  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

New committee role

  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

President 2


  • This position is vacant - why not stand?


  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

Social Secretary

  • This position is vacant - why not stand?


  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

Weird name group

  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

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