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About Us

Welcome to the Tabletop Gaming Society!

Here we provide a space to experience a large number of games that are, of course, usually played on tabletops.

Whether you are an experienced tabletop gamer looking to meet those with similar interests, or just want to try something new, you are more than welcome to visit one of our sessions.

We are comprised of 7 core sections, namely:

  • Board Gaming, Play a variety of board games that you may not have heard of
  • Chess, This timeless game needs no introduction
  • Classic Card Games, A variety of classic card games like bridge
  • Lego, The Danish bricks, relaxed, creative and chilled sessions
  • Roleplaying Games, Use your imagination to play a character in one of our RPG sessions
  • Trading Card Games, Compete against other players by building and mastering your own decks
  • Wargaming, Pit armies against each other in games such as Warhammer 40K

We also hold a weekly pub social which all of our members are welcome to attend.

Events Coordinator

  • This position is vacant - why not stand?


  • This position is vacant - why not stand?


  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

Social Secretary

  • This position is vacant - why not stand?


  • This position is vacant - why not stand?

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